
As time goes SLOWLY by.

It has only about 2 months since I had my locks installed. Time is going by so slowly. When I look at Blaqkofi's hair and everyone else in the DFW, I get sooooo envious. I can't wait until my hair looks as good as theirs. My locks have little balls on the ends. I guess, that's the beginning. I wish it would happen faster.

In an effort to be less obsessive about my hair, I've started to obsess about my weight. Initially it started out that I wanted to lose 15 pounds by the middle of July(that would have been 4 weeks). With my lack of discipline when it comes to food, I didn't see how that was going to happen. So, I decided to try the Baptist Hospital diet. I thought, a breeze. I can do this for 3 days to lose 10 pounds. WRONG!!! Talking about being obsessed. All I could think about was all the food I was unable to eat. I had to leave the house last night just to keep from eating after dinner. With everything I was craving, I knew that whatever I would manage to lose, I would gain it right back as soon as I was able to eat. Food is all I've thought about. The bright side is that I've been working out consistently for the last 2 1/2 weeks. If I monitor my food and exercise, the weight will come off in time.

1 comment:

Maryee said...

Girl, don't fret. Before you know it, you'll look up and your hair will be in your way! (LOL). Enjoy the process. Congrats!