
Too much information....

Okay, this time around, the information I have obtained regarding the maintenance of sisterlocks has been a bad thing. I think I'd rather be living in ignorance. The first time around, I knew NOTHING!!!! I just did WHATEVER I wanted to my hair without any thought. It was only after having my sisterlocks for about 8 months did I find out that some of the products I had been using on my I shouldn't have. This time, I am afraid to shampoo my hair. Back then, I didn't know anything about slippage. I figure since I had sisterlocks, my hair wouldn't come loose. This time, what if my entire head loosens? There is no way that I want to sit in a chair for another 35 hours to have it done all over again. Okay, I know it wouldn't be quite that bad but sitting even half or a 1/4th of the time has me terrified!!!! I know all I need to do is band but oh....what happens if they still loosen? Okay, Daryl says I stress too much and I do. I worry about everything. Because I do worry so much, by now I've put off shampooing may hair for 2 weeks. I've managed to come up with an excuse every time not to shampoo. NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!

I just took my hair down from last night's shampoo. My hair is still locked!!!!! It's also very crinkly. Kinda cute!!!! I started examining things. My really short locks in the front didn't come loose. Maybe this time I can keep the hair around the hairline and it'll grow. I'm noticing balls are starting to form at the ends. So, that's a good thing right? This is something that I didn't know last time either. Well, I did and am doing more reading this time around to make sure things go better. I'm thinking about trying this rinse I found in a book that is supposed to accelerate the locking process. I wonder if it really works. Either way, I'm not doing anything until I shampoo my hair without it coming loose.

Looking at the picture I took....what's up with all the scalp? I sure hope it fills in once they mature and are locked!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.