
My Reality Check into My Past

Just thinkin'...before wearing my hair natural, I was aproduct junkie. I bought just about every type of shampoo, conditioner and styling product on the market. For a while, it was about buying a shampoo and conditioner that would leave a nice scent in my hair. After that, I bought products that would help me to achieve and maintain a certain styles. If I saw a style on someone that I liked, whatever she used I was going to go out and buy it. Because of the relaxer, I could pretty much achieve any style that I saw and it would look identical. My hair was nice, soft and well styled. I didn't have a lot problems with breakage until I decided that I was going to maintain my edges and relax them myself. That's was when the drama began.

Anyway, to 2008. Today when I was shampooing my hair, I used a shampoo from my past that I found upstairs. It was Nature's Gate Herbal Shampoo. When I firsted started wearing my hair chemical free, I was focused on using products that had the least amount of detergent. Since then, I'm not quite sure what happened. The Herbal Shampoo has SLS way down on the list of ingredients which is why I started using it from the beginning. I got out of the whole thing about my hair looking like someone else's since I was very aware that my natural hair is my DNA not meant to look like anyone elses. Maybe similar but not like when I was relaxed because relaxers take the uniqueness of hair away. Since blogging, I have become a junkie again reading what everyone else is using and trying it all out. Softness, dryness, growth whatever, I was looking for a product would make it happen. I would run my hands through my hair and think....My hair is dry, let me see what others are using. Or, I would feel someone else's locks and buy whatever she was using. I remember thinking back to a few years ago that softness is relative. First, my hair was not going to be soft like it was when I was relaxed. That was the first hurdle I had to get over when I first cut my hair. Not that my hair was hard but it was just a different soft. Secondly, DNA is not going to allow my hair to feel like anyone. So now, is my hair hard or is it dry? My hair isn't hard unless I don't keep it moisturized. That's the important thing. Sure, I condition now, but at one point I got lazy and forgot to keep my hair moisturized. So, I've gone back to the Bodifying Mist. It's a hairsaver for my hair. My hair is conditioned and moisturized with this product between shampoos. It's great!

Just a little something that was on my mind.


Anonymous said...

I can identify with this post. I remember when I was a loose natural, I was continuously looking for a gel or mousse or whatever that would help my hair stay slicked back in ponytails or afro puffs. I always received different responses from the people who could achieve it, there was water and grease or a certain type of gel or just water or beeswax... What I came to realize was my hair texture was not the same as theirs and my hair didn't work with any product I tried.

I know I'm rambling but my goal at this point in life is making sure my hair is healthy. I've come to the conclusion that my locks won't feel, look or act like others. This has helped me kick my product junkie habit.

Lisa said...

I am definitely over the whole buying every product looking for some miracle. Back to my basics.

Lisa said...

I am definitely over the whole buying every product looking for some miracle. Back to my basics.

Anonymous said...

A low cost, green eco friendly, healthy natural hair shampoo can be made from a homemade liquid from soapberry which grows on the Chinaberry tree and has been used for thousands of years. It works very effectively.

Sam said...

Hi lisa I've been researching sistrelocks for a while. I've been natural for a little over 4yrs, and I've finally decided to get them. I'm trying to find a consultant. Who's your consultant? I've contacted someone in raliegh. Charlotte and Raleigh are about the same distance from me. I reside in South Carolina.
And to Ira, I am intrested in the soapberry, but I couldn't find in order info. Thanks for your time.
Be Blesssed

hj45uyb4uy45yv3tv3wetfcv5j76 knn7 said...

I agree that relaxer takes away the uniqueness of Black hair in general and individually. I commend you for being so strong hopefully other women will be encouraged by us naturals.

I becane a junkie after becoming natural.

Many Blessings